How the heck did you find this site? Good for you. I'm ego maniac Nick Sandin, host of Jock of the Rock, putting the public in public radio. You may have noticed this site suffers from more negliect than a toddler in a trailer park, updated about as often as a solar eclipse. Why? Easy. I'm lazy. If I was an employer I wouldn't even hire myself. Another reason is we have changed our format slightly back in June. Before we alternated weeks between local or Seattle guests and the Nuts of the Round Table but let's face it, Big Carrot and the Irish Assassin are way more entertaining than any coach or kid with a ball in his hand after school. I did all that at KHS, its not that big a deal, seriously. The Clarkston can have the local scene, we are focusing on the pros. But now I'm off topic. This site needs a major overhaul and new committment. That's not coming soon. I may even pull the plug on it altogether and move Nix Pix this season to my personal blog (limited access, e-mail for details). In fact that site consumes most of my time and occasional sports commentary (95% Seahawks oriented). So if I were you I wouldn't bother coming back here until we come up with a new layout or plan or something. And don't forget to tune in Saturday.